Our Story
In 2016, Melissa left the security of becoming a medical doctor in search for her passion. She stumbled upon Upwork, a marketplace that connects freelancers and clients. With no experience at all, she started as a virtual assistant on the platform. During that time, she decided to also enroll in Coding Dojo, a coding bootcamp for full-stack software development. While there, she fell in love with web and app design and development. Her passion for the field was truly tested when she gave her last $100 as a motel deposit while pregnant with her second child. Instead of giving up, Melissa kept true to her passion and persevered the storm. Now, several years later, Melissa is Top Rated Plus on Upwork, has 100% Job Success on Upwork, the "Top 15 Wix Specialists", "Top 27 Best Freelance PHP Developers", "Top 8 iPhone App Developers" and "Top 11 Android App Developers" for hire near San Francisco by Upwork, an Official Wix Legend Partner, Velo Certified in Wix, featured in Wix's Campaign You Deserve Better, and featured in Coding Dojo's Alumni Spotlight.
In 2020, Melissa saw an increased demand of web and app development services. In order to meet client wants and needs, OMG Code was created in 2021. OMG Code is a development company that provides companies with web and app design & development solutions. We employ top freelancers and train up and coming freelancers in web and app design & development.