week 1
Math + Logic
Your Second Assignment
1. Start thinking like a computer
2. Reintroduce math + logic
Now we're going to begin learning about the more left-brained side of the course. We will be presenting logic concepts related to coding that will help you prepare for the coming weeks ahead.
Declaring and changing variables
Alright, this is for all the people that graduated/left school and thought, "when will I ever need Math again?" Well, that moment is now. So, let's drive into it! I promise it doesn't bite.
Let's start from the basics. Here are some cats in Japanese apparel:
Bingo Mango
Sassy Mao
We have Ronin, Jade, Bingo Mango, and Sassy Mao. They're all good friends. Ronin thinks she was a mermaid in a previous life, and wants to be called Ariel. What does Ronin do?
Jade: Hi Ronin!
Ronin: My name is not Ronin anymore. It is Ariel.
Jade: Oh. Okay then? Hi Ariel!
Ariel: Hi.
What Ronin did there was tell Jade that her name was no longer called Ronin. Instead, she wants to be called Ariel. Fair enough. How does this work in the code world?
//declare the variable
var name = "Ronin"
//reassign the variable
name = "Ariel"